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Go Green Week - How We Stay Environmentally Friendly

Student action organisation People & Planet are today kicking off Go Green Week to raise awareness about climate change.[1] It’s really important to us as a business to be environmentally responsible in order to help protect our planet. We do everything we can to reduce waste, recycle and keep our energy usage low, as per our Ethical Policy:

  • We comply with WEEE electrical waste rules, disposing of damaged electrical goods by the proper means where they can be appropriately recycled.
  • All cardboard and paper is separated from normal waste and recycled appropriately.
  • All staff make sure to keep lights, PCs and printers turned off when not in use so as not to waste electricity.
  • Our offices happen to be in a hard water area, but instead of using bottled water we invested in a water filter so we can have drinking water without the empty plastic bottles.
  • We only boil as much water as we need when making our cuppas so as not to waste energy boiling a full kettle each time.
  • We donate unwanted products to local charities and hospices where possible in order to reduce waste whilst helping out our community.
  • We aim to use UK suppliers and manufacturers where possible in order to reduce our carbon footprint whilst supporting British businesses.
  • For international products we’re working to consolidate shipments where possible; not only will this help to reduce our carbon footprint, it also means we will keep delivery costs down and pass on the savings to you in our pricing.
  • We’re always on the lookout for eco-friendly products, such as reusable menstrual products, cosmetics with ethically sourced ingredients and flexible heating devices which help you to reduce your central heating usage (good for the planet and your pocket!).
  • We keep in touch with you via email so as not to waste paper on hefty catalogues each time we have new products. This also means we can offer you special offers more regularly too – bonus!

Could you do something extra to protect our planet this Go Green Week? Perhaps you can make an extra effort to recycle properly, or check all your lights are switched off before you leave the house? Maybe you could car share for a week, or dust down your bike instead of driving? It’s the little things like this that could make a big difference to our environment, especially if we all make one small change! Why not share this blog with your friends or shout about it on Facebook? Let’s all Go Green this week!
